Saturday, August 29, 2009

Love.......... Life

Hey all. Well since i've been keeping this inside for a very long long long long(cut short) time.. Maybe its about time to express my thoughts and feelings. WELL. Has anyone of you ever fell in LOVE or maybe even thought of ditching your LIFE cause life is so dull and bore? Love and Life, are actually gifts, gifts which one can never explain. Love is like a drug, before you taste it, you go like "eew!!" and "yuck!" and so forth. but once you taste it, its like heaven!! its a feeling which we can not explain. It makes us secured, happy etc. We feel such "joy" in being loved. And love of course, has its disadvantages. As i mentioned before, love is like a drug. It can some how hurt you, or "kill" you. When things go wrong, and when it becomes what we do not expect, it hurts us, it breaks our hearts. Love is powerful in its way. Love is blind, love is like crossing oceans reaching to one another. It can bring you happiness, and it can bring you sorrows. And for Life, its like a road/a race track. When we're brought into this world, we're(in a way) standing at the line where we begin, as we grow up, we run the race/walk the road. As we walk through the path of life, things get really rocky and stuffs, we go through ups and we go through downs. Its like an obstacle, sometimes we try to overcome it, but we end up falling. And at times when we fall, we just don't feel like getting back to our feet. Things like this ends up taking control of us, we just don't want to go through obstacles anymore. But in a way, it actually makes us tougher, stronger. Its a way for us to learn how to overcome things that get in our way. Okay, I'm dragging it too long. Now to get to the point. MY Point.

Well.... Have you ever liked someone but just dont know how to express it out, or maybe you're scared that when you tell the person how much you adore him/her, she/he might reject you or might just ignore you. And when you like the person, every step you take, every words you say actually counts because you're scared that even the tiniest mistake might just blow all of your chances away? What can you do? What can you say? And whatever he/she does, sometimes it makes you think that he/she likes you but actually no, they don't. Or perhaps you might just leave everything to fate, just let it be. If you're meant to be then kudos! but if you're not, then you can be sorry to yourself. Its like you're just hiding in your little mask, hiding your feelings, your infatuations away. Sometimes you just go so crazy thinking about that person every minute, every second. Behind that person you're all so hysterical thinking about that person, and infront of that person you're acting as though like you have nothing what-so-ever towards him/her. How can you see in their actions whether they have feelings towards you? Questions, thoughts just keep rushing into our heads. At times we lose control of ourselves, not being what we actually are, just 'faking it' infront of the person we adore. Its hard trying to be 'perfect' to the person we like, but actually, no we dont have to be perfect. We just need to be ourselves. Why fake something which we are not? You dont have to be perfect for anyone, we're only humans. We're not perfect. See, feelings like this, just keep running lose around us. It makes us insane, we just dont know what other actions to take. Why is it so hard to tell a person "hey, you know what. i like you". Its just a simple question, but no. The outcomes of it really do matter. It's like being stuck between life and death. Why why why??

At times, we even fall for our bestfriend( i mean of the opposite sex DUH). There are tons of movies that are made with such events, and in those movies, it seems like its so easy to tell your bestfriend those 3 words, I Love You. But this is reality, its so God-knows how hard it is to express such feelings. And do all bestfriends end up falling for one another? Is it because of the comfort, the understanding that we find in one another? Sometimes we just feel like knocking our heads to the wall asking ourselves "DAMN! Why must of all the people in the freaking world!! WHY MY BUDDY! WHY WHY!!" Is it called puppy love? Or just some ordinary infatuation. We feel confused. How do we tell that special someone? When is the right time? Will they feel the same way too? Can we just cross our fingers with high hopes that something might happen? Or just sit there to rot and die and nothing happens. To be honest, i dont know what i'm writing, its just feelings that are stuck inside.

Well, its getting late now. I gotta go sleep. I hope i didnt bore anyone of you tho. And to my "special someone", i hope that i've proved what i had say, what i had "promise" to you on that day. And i hope that, when the time is right, we'll feel the same way too. =)



  1. well, life's full of wonders and i'm loving it! =)

    ps:comments for me too at my posts? win-win situation yeah. thanks! =)

  2. Angelyn likes this. :D
    This is such a kleenex moment.

    Love is the most absolute, deeply influential, but yet immensely beautiful and exquisite.

    Love is, I think, the best thing God had created for humankind. :)

  3. SJ: sure no problem =)

    angelyn: walao. so emotional huh? *hands a box tissue* "the best thing God had created for humankind". so there is a God to you? lol.

    wenn: i agree. hehe. love is blind.
